Yes, folks. We are still on the face of the earth! We are still adopting, but nothing about the timeline or process is going quite like we thought or planned. However, I am finally really okay with that. I am loving seeing how God is directing things and knowing that He knows how all this will turn out. I can honestly say that right now...I rest fully in that.
There are exciting things going on in our home that are really doing a great job of preparing us more for this grand adventure. I would love to share, but this blog is not private, so I can't give details yet. We are all working on "not growing weary as we do good". Our family has been serving in a particular way in the last several weeks, and we are pooped! However, the One that we serve is faithful to give us what we need just when we need it.
Since my last post many, many moons ago, we have been enjoying some fun things as a family. 3 of us have had birthday celebrations and the 4th one (Alli) is on Wednesday! She is going to be 17--which she thinks is kind of a "bummer" birthday sandwiched between 2 milestone birthdays. I told her it's my year to rest and begin to wrap my brain around the few days that remain before the big 18. I can't believe it.... McKenna will be our last birthday in our one-birthday-a-month extravaganza that begins in December and goes through April! My baby will be 10!!
In other news, we are looking into possibly visiting Haiti in the next few months to serve at a mission there. They also have an orphanage (not the one we are adopting from), so that would be a great way to begin to see what God has in store for us as well. We don't know details yet, but please pray. Based on the information that I am seeing about this particular orphanage, it looks like adoptions in Haiti are becoming a much more rapid process! This is great news for those of us in the middle of it. There is also a vote happening in March in Haiti that could possibly lighten some of the restrictions on adoptions so that more people will qualify. Right now the biggest obstacles are that couples have to be married for 10 years, have NO children (but can possibly get a Presidential waiver for bio children), and you must be over 35 years old. Our agency says that the one about previous children is usually waived, but the others are hard to overcome.
I will try to be better about posting, but no promises! :-)
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
2 days ago