So sorry to keep many of you waiting to hear how things are going with our fundraising efforts! We are moving forward and are SO THANKFUL for the many gifts we have received so far! We have 179 pieces sponsored so far, and we are GRATEFUL!! Only 821 to go!
We also received a very large donation from a family member on Thursday. We will combine that with our current puzzle piece money enabling us to send the (approximate) $12,500 fee down to Haiti that is needed in order for us to be matched!! This is so exciting to us! After we are matched (don't know for sure how long that will take), we will need to send the other half of the Haiti fees. The way that our orphanage matches families is by prayerfully considering each adoptive family and each child available for adoption. We don't look at photo listings and "choose" our children. The director chooses who she feels God is leading her to choose and matches families with children. Some of you saw on FB that I mentioned a sibling group of babies (3 months and 24 months) who were just admitted to GLA this week. While I could mention to her that we saw the post about them and would love to parent them, we will wait for God's leading. We know and trust that He already has the children picked just for us. We don't want to get in the way of His leading--even if the babies are SO CUTE! We will keep you all updated on our match FOR SURE!
In other adoption news, if you are my FB friend, you know that we received our USCIS approval this week! That was a major milestone in this journey. One that took a lot more time than we anticipated! It turned out that since our oldest bio child, Alli, turned 18 this month, we had to do all the same background checking, FBI clearances, and biometric fingerprinting on her that we did on us! That was a bummer of a delay, but all the needed documents and appointments turned out to take less time to process than ours did, so we praise the Lord for that.
I know this isn't long, and I am so lame at posting pics, but I will give a better update later when we know more. And I will post puzzle pictures then too!
Thanks for your continued prayers and supportive gifts and comments! We are so thankful for the community of friends and family we have to walk this pathway with us!
Easy Chocolate Protein Mousse
2 days ago