Sunday, May 30, 2010


Good Sunday to you all! I always enjoy a Sunday so much more when there is a holiday on Monday, and I don't have all the "getting ready for school" stuff to do!

Well, in my last post I said that 2 decisions were coming up soon. We spent much time in prayer seeking the Lord about whether I should continue teaching full time. I do love so many things about the job, but the reality is that working full time does take time and energy. We carefully weighed out all the pros and cons and asked that the Lord reveal His will for us in this. After weeks and weeks of this, we both felt that it would be best for me to continue teaching in this job that He has called me to. I know that working outside the home is definitely not for every mother, and I am acutely aware of the many sacrifices that are made when a woman does choose to work outside the home. But I believe that He has equipped me to do this, and I believe that He will fill in the gaps.

I don't care what side of the fence one falls on regarding moms working or not working; the simple fact is that you can't do it all! Something has to give when a mom chooses to take a job that is away from the home for many hours in a day. Here are the biggest sacrifices that I feel personally and that I am working through. I would love any advice on how to make these sacrifices seem not so big!

*Involvement in a women's Bible study. Evening ones just don't fit with my family's schedule.

*Time to invest in friendships. It's hard to stay connected with friends who are stay-at-home mom's since the time that I am free is only on a Saturday morning or possibly a rare evening here or there. That is not the time that they are usually free. Bummer.

*The ability to really sit and visit one on one with each kid, each day. Now this one is something that I believe does not have to be a sacrifice I make. We have a plan of action here to help us (me) be more intentional in changing this. Our plan involves getting rid of T.V. I am not a T.V. addict, but sadly, when I'm tired after a long day at school, T.V. becomes my way to veg out. Come summer, the T.V. will be disconnected. Only movies will be occasionally allowed. Oh, my kids are going to love me for this, right?? Not.

*Keeping up with memory books and photo albums. I can't even write anything descriptive here because this whole topic just plain makes me sick to my stomach!! I need help here!

*Doing things for others. I used to really enjoy helping others out in tangible ways back when I was a stay-at-home mom (man that was a LONG time ago!!). I loved to take a meal to a new mom, or to someone who was sick. I loved to be able to help watch the children of those who were in the midst of a hard time. I loved secretly doing things for others too. Now, I very rarely am able/available to do those things. I either don't have the time or know that I don't have the energy to give to those types of things. I do have some opportunities, but not as much as I'd like.

*Helping Mark with his business. I know that Mark would love it if I could assist in some of the bookkeeping/paperwork side of his business, but there is just no time! He also would love it if I could travel with him once in awhile, but again, no time!

Wow, this post is not going how I'd planned! Anyway, I feel confident in our decision, and blessed that even though there are several sacrifices, God piles on the blessings as well. I am blessed that all 3 of my children attend my school and I see all of them each day. We have all the same days off of school, and I am able to know their teachers and friends well. I love our staff and the tremendous things that are happening at our school. God has truly blessed us in huge ways! We just went through our accreditation renewal last month, and it was so amazing to see that come to fruition. We put tons of work into pacing maps, curriculum guides, and many other documents and it paid off! We are a fully accredited school! For you educators out there, you know how important that is and how it boosts the reputation of a school. Thank you Lord!

Finally, the other news that my few readers have been waiting for! We have chosen an agency for our Haitian adoption! I will be announcing the name as soon as we are officially accepted into the program. Our application is waiting to mail as soon as we receive a couple of other bits of information. I should have solid info within a couple of weeks. I would love to share the name, but had better wait until it's official.

That's all for now. Enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Big Week

I feel a bit like a broken record whenever I post. I know that each post sort-of contains the same material without really giving any concrete information. I can't tell you how difficult is has been for me to not have any real specific new information, but I am trusting that I will look back on the archives of this blog someday and see clearly how God's hand directed each step we took....

This week is going to be a big week of decisions! I know it! We are attending another adoption group meeting on Thursday night and will get to talk with adoption lawyers and agency reps. We have narrowed down our agency search to only a couple and plan to make a final decision by the weekend. I will keep you posted! Also, there are other big decisions on the horizon that we are hoping to finalize this week as well.

All this decision making has the potential to send me over the edge into a cesspool of STRESS! But I am claiming "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee". I am so thankful that I have the love of my Heavenly Father--who knows my heart and loves me as I am.

Information on all these decisions will be coming soon! Have a great week and thanks for praying.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This will be short and sweet.

*Went to an adoption forum in our hometown last weekend that included 4 families sharing their adoption stories. They all have either adopted domestically or internationally. It was AMAZING! So worth our time! The other really cool thing is that there were at least 10-15 other couples there who were in various stages of adoption just like us! I can't wait for next month's meeting that will have adoption lawyers and agency reps who will share that side of the process. We left even more convinced that this is what we are to be doing right now.

*This week I had a moment of desperation where I just wanted to get our kids! I don't even know who they are, but I want them here. I have to keep trusting that God is still preparing us and our children. He will unite us in His timing.

*Big decisions are looming over us regarding choosing an agency (or going an alternative route) and deciding if I should continue my teaching job next year. There are many pros and cons rattling around in my head, and I won't share them all here, but I would covet your prayers for God's wisdom in these 2 decisions. To be honest, having them weighing on my mind is exhausting--I just want to know what to do! I was supposed to let my principal know by the end of March, and she is graciously giving me more time to figure things out. Mark and I are talking and praying these things over each day, but haven't felt a strong leading one way or the other from the Lord.

Thanks for continuing to read.